干货 | 四招让你的英语作文“具体化”

栏目:教育机构  时间:2023-07-24

  最近笔者一直在奋力批改高三毕业班学生的英语作文,其中有一句大家都在用的套话让笔者印象深刻,那就是“Only in this way can we create a harmonious society.”让笔者不可思议的是,这些同学不管遇到什么话题的作文,比如雾霾、交通堵塞、环境污染、自主招生、广场舞等等,都以这句话结尾,就好像他们只会用这一句英语作文结尾一般。倘若这句话只出现一次或者只出现在一个同学身上还好,但笔者改过的30篇作文中就有五篇作文都用这句话。这就足以让笔者怀疑这句话有演变成集体写作模式的危机。笔者想请问各位同学,如果你是阅卷老师,你在同一天内看到五句一模一样的套话,你会被打动吗?答案是否定的。那么,如何才能让自己的写作不落俗套,让阅卷老师一见钟情呢?答案只有一个,那就是让自己的作文言之有物,即写实实在在、有血有肉的东西。笔者经过多年教学得知,要想让作文写得言之有物,就必须将作文内容具体化。那要如何做到具体化呢?笔者在此介绍四招,并辅以真题示范,希望对大家有所帮助。





  比如,有位同学在写How to Form a Good Habit (如何养成好习惯)一文时,他/她可能会这样写:We need to make a good plan in order to form a good habit. 这句话十分笼统,若换种写法写成:In order to form a good habit, we need to make a good plan and persist in carrying it out. Whenever we make a small progress, we can award ourselves with some gifts such as candies and cookies. 很明显后者有了动作链,首先加入“坚持执行”这一动作,其次又进一步提到了“如有进步就用小礼物来奖励自己”这个动作。如此一来,画面感顿时跃然纸上,更有可能打动阅卷老师。




  其实在上面的例子中,我们不只用到了加入动作链的方法,还用到了举例子的方法。细心的读者会发现,在“Whenever we make a small progress, we can award ourselves with little gifts such as candies and cookies.”这句话中出现了such as candies and cookies这个例子。假如我们把该例子去掉,句子简化成:Whenever we make a small progress, we can award ourselves with some gifts. 那阅卷老师会想,是什么样的gift呢?是书、本子,还是笔?这样一来,不光句子的画面感不够,其说服力也有所减弱。而candies and cookies的出现则使整个句子一下子变得生动起来。可见,举例子对实现作文具体化还是很有帮助的。

  笔者再举一例。大部分同学在写How to Improve our English (如何提高英语)时可以写出这样的句子:We need to take part in English competitions and read English novels. 但是有一个同学别出心裁,他加上了具体的例子,使得这句话变得更富感染力:We need to take part in English competitions like drama acting and writing contests. Also, reading English novels, such as The Old Man and the Sea or Little Women, can greatly polish up our reading competence. 细细一看,其实他也没有加太多的东西,只是把drama acting、writing contests 以及自己知道的两部英文小说(The Old Man and the Sea和Little Women)加进去了。这些例子会令阅卷老师油然而生一种画面感。可以料想该考生的分数肯定不会太低。

  那么在写作中要如何应用“举例子”这一招呢?如果大家在写作时发现自己使用的名词概念比较抽象或笼统,就可以考虑举例子。比如,traditional values中的values、good books中的books、effective ways 中的ways,这些抽象名词或笼统概念后面就可以用such as、like、for example、for instance等来引出例子,达到具体化的目的。例如,traditional values 可以具体化成traditional values such as diligence and honesty;good books可以具体化成good books like classical novels or cutting-edge magazines;effective ways可以具体化成 effective ways such as working out or sleeping regularly等。



  笔者在本文开头提到了备受大家青睐的结尾句:Only in this way can we create a harmonious society. 在此,笔者再次建议大家:作文尾段回归主题吧。因为只有这样,大家的作文才能避免“假大空”,不落俗套,拿到高分。比如写主题为雾霾(smog)的作文,我们可以写成:Only in this way can we create a world without smog and enjoy a clearer and bluer sky. 比如写主题为自主招生(autonomous recruitment)的作文,我们可以写成:Only in this way can universities recruit candidates suit their long-term goal and in turn, outstanding students can find a perfect platform for their future development. 比如写主题为保护珍稀动物(rare animals protection)的作文,我们可以写成:Only in this way can rare animals find an ideal habitat on which to survive and thrive. 在写作中,只要大家痛下决心告别万能的结尾句,勇敢找到作文关键词并在尾段回归主题,就能在很大程度上实现作文的具体化。



  所谓增加方式状语,就是要表达出“依靠什么样的方式”来实现某个目的。具体在英文写作中,可以由by、via、through、by means of等词或者短语来引导方式状语。比如,有同学写How to Form a Good Habit这篇作文时,写出了以下句子:To form a good habit, we need to have a strong determination and a clear goal. 这里的strong determination and clear goal很抽象,要通过何种方式才会有strong determination呢?另外一些同学很好地解决了这个问题,他们写的句子为:By setting a clear goal and keeping a detailed record of our daily progress, we can develop our persistence. Also, via awarding our little progress through gifts like candies and cookies, we can have our determination greatly strengthened. 这些同学通过添加方式状语by setting a clear goal and keeping a detailed record of our daily progress和via awarding our little progress through gifts like candies and cookies这样的方式状语,将每天做记录和奖励自己的画面跃然纸上,自然更能够打动人。

  在写作中,如果提及的目标比较模糊,就可以考虑用方式状语写出自己将采取哪些具体措施来实现这个目标。比如,如果你发现 set a realistic goal太抽象,那你就可以通过添加方式状语through evaluating our own strengths and weaknesses,写成:We need to set a realistic goal through evaluating our own strengths and weaknesses.





  Now I’d like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school. Firstly, English newspapers, such as 21st Century and China Daily (举例子), should be subscribed by our school so as to enlarge our vocabulary and enrich our knowledge. Secondly, by organizing English speech competitions and drama contests (方式状语), the school can provide us with a perfect platform to polish up our English speaking. Thirdly, English film festivals and Salons, if well organized, can also expand our horizons and broaden our vision. Only by adopting these approaches can our competence of English be greatly enhanced (尾段回归主题).



