第7个世界野生动植物日 林业部门倡议拒绝野生动物当“盘中餐”和“商品”

栏目:热点资讯  时间:2020-03-04




  今天是第七个世界野生动物日。今年的国际主题是“保护地球上的所有生命”,中国的主题是“保护全球生命共同体”。疫情的预防和控制仍在继续。 虽然不能进行大规模的现场活动,但林业部门已经通过给公众写信和对危害野生动植物的行为说“不”来敦促公众自觉保护野生动植物。




  疫情的预防和控制仍在继续。 在世界野生动物日,虽然我省许多地方的林业部门没有像往年那样开展各种现场活动,但他们通过给公众的信向公众宣传了野生动物保护的重要性和一些严格禁止的非法行为。









  在防疫方面,野生动物救援人员也是不可或缺的。自2020年1月25日救援站接到郑州林业局防控新型冠状病毒的请求后,所有救援人员坚守岗位,在救援站没有自己的车辆时,克服了许多困难。 他们已经采取了一些方法,比如在近处骑电动车,在远处开私家车,或者租用汽车来拯救野生动物。


  Since the Spring Festival, there has been no shortage of national protected animals on the rescue list.The national second-level protected animals are the little owls with longitudinal stripes and the Angolu ferrets (exotic species), the national second-level protected animals are the wart-nosed swans, and the national second-level protected animals are the long-eared owls .

  Dong Chaowei said that the rescue station had disinfected, observed, treated and fed all the animals.After the epidemic is over, they plan to release wild animals (except exotic species) that have the ability to survive in the wild into nature.


  [Measures]The Forestry Department will prohibit illegal wildlife trade and indiscriminate eating of wildlife

  On February 24, 2020, the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress deliberated and adopted the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Completely Banning Illegal Wildlife Trade, Abolishing Abuse of Wild Animals and Effectively Ensuring People's Life, Health and Safety" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision").In order to implement the spirit of the "Decision" and completely ban the consumption of wild animals, the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau has issued the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Completely Banning Illegal Trade in Wild Animals, Eliminating Abuse of Wild Animals and Effectively Safeguarding People's Life, Health and Safety" notice, which has been implemented from seven aspects.

  The Dahe News reporter found that in addition to taking relevant actions, the forestry department will also improve a series of supporting laws and regulations to lay a solid foundation for legal protection.The circular stipulates that activities such as indiscriminate hunting and illegal trade in wild animals will be severely cracked down and the illegal wild animal market will be resolutely banned.Especially in wintering grounds, breeding grounds and migration passages where migratory birds gather in large scale, the setting of guard posts and patrol lines should be encrypted, the field patrol and guarding efforts should be further strengthened, illegal hunting tools such as bird nets and hunting jackets should be completely removed, and the safety of migratory birds and other wild animal populations should be effectively maintained.

  林业部门要积极配合市场监管、网络监管、交通运输等部门依法关闭和查封市场内出售食用野生动物的摊点、商店、游戏餐厅等场所,依法清除食用野生动物交易等非法野生动物交易广告的网上信息,进一步净化市场环境和网络空间。 对于非法运输、运送野生动物和产品,将加大检查和跟踪力度,并根据《决定》加大处罚力度,以有效阻断非法贸易链。





上一篇:一名世卫工作人员在伊朗感染新冠病毒,美国累计确诊病例破百 | 国际疫情观察(3月
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