
栏目:职业教育  时间:2023-11-06


  下面为大家整理的是一位考生和大家分享的他的SAT填空题满分备考经验,在这篇SAT填空题备考经验中,重点介绍了如何在解题的过程中运用词汇的相关内容。词汇是大家备考SAT填空题重要的方面,大家一起来看看详细内容吧。  If you want a 750+ and you naturally suck at reading, you HAVE TO at least get this section down, because at least there is a straightforward way of studying for it.  Straightforward, but slow.  1. Use vocab lists for quick studying! I know some people are naysayers about vocab lists and would rather you read straight off classic books to get your vocab, but I say that is inefficient, and if you have only a month or even only a year left and you want to get a near perfect CR, it just wont happen. Study those lists, and no matter when you start studying, LEAVE TIME TO STUDY RIGHT BEFORE THE TEST, whether it be a week or a month. Most people remember things better when you try to memorize them at a closer date.  2. Your “SAT techniques” will come in handy. Most experienced SAT takers know the whole positive-negative words, prefix/suffix techniques that are cited like a billion times in prep books. Read about them, but don’t rely on them.  Now I will compile a list of the most commonly used (and possibly the best) vocab lists.  Direct Hits Vocabulary  Barron's Hot Words  TestMasters  Rocket Review Core Words  Princeton Review Hit Parade  SparkNotes 1000  Word Smart  Kaplan's Score Raising Dictionary  Kaplan's Basic SAT Book:  Gruber's 3400 Word List  Barron's 3500 Word Mini-Dictionary  Personally, I started off with a old GRE vocab dictionary book my parents had lying around, and followed that up with the Sparknotes 1k, which is free online. Oh, and a personal favorite for the masochistic folks out there: Top 500 SAT Words Shower Curtain: Kitchen & Dining  以上就是关于SAT填空题备考经验的全部内容,从中我们可以看到很多备考词汇方面的书籍和资料。大家可以在备考自己的SAT填空题的过程中进行适当的练习和整理。


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