
栏目:幼儿教育  时间:2023-08-26


  学好英语首先要先积累大量的英语词汇,在积累中不断巩固与提高;有了丰富的词汇做你的后盾,阅读考试便有如信手拈花,游刃有余。以下是由珠海雅思托福培训学校小编为大家整理的学关于河流的英语。  1、与河流相关的词汇  brook / creek小溪   delta三角洲  dike河堤   gorge峡谷  island岛   rivule一小河  rapid急流   steam 溪流  valley 山谷   branch支流  downstream顺流而下.向下游方向  freshwater lake淡水湖  islet小岛  marsh沼译  river channel河道  sand bar沙洲  upstream溯流而上(地)  waterfall瀑布  2、河流的风景  clear / limpid清澈的  crystal透明的  pacific平静的  riffle涟漪  tranquil 宁静的  choppy波浪起伏的  glimmering波光粼粼的  rapid / torrential湍急的  shimmering闪亮的  twist 蜿蜓前进  3、河流的名称  1) The lake is situated in the northern part of the province.  2) The river is the largest river in the city area and is the "life blood" of the city.  3) The river is a branch of the great Yangtze River.  4) The river was originally called…  5) The river was named after…  6) It is a large, shallow body of water surrounded by mountain chains.  4、河流的风景  1) The river is so fascinating that it captures the imaginations of people both at home and abroad.  2) There are many famous sites of interest along the banks of the river.  3) While floating on one of the traditional painted boats of the region, you will have the opportunity to fully appreciate the beautiful sights of the river.  4) The mist and fog rises from the surface of the lake, making the sky and the water the samecolour.  5) Under the moon the light reflecting from the water captivates the viewer.  6) You can enjoy the region's natural abundance by watching the birds on the lake.  7) The lake and the surrounding magnificence will bewitch your eyes when you climb the is letin the centre of the lake.  8) It's a pure lake with clean, fresh air.  9) It is a beautiful lake with many islets showing different views in different seasons.  10) It is a rich lake abounding with fish and surrounded by trees一tea, mulberry and other fruit trees.  11)When the soft breezes blow, waves roll and the hills in the distance look like an overlappinglandscape painting. 以上是由珠海雅思托福培训学校小编为您整理的关于河流的英语的全部内容以上就是“关于河流的英语”的全部内容了,希望小编整理的资料能帮助到考生。如果想要了解更多相关资讯,欢迎关注留学频道,为您提供更多精彩内容。

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