
栏目:娱乐资讯  时间:2020-03-04

  由于时间紧迫,王德平在休假前和朋友们去了武汉过夜。 他参与了雷神山医院的建设……最终,当地纪委和监察院给他一个“容错和豁免”的结果。


  时间紧迫。 我没有时间连夜去武汉。

  王德平是四川省遂宁市船山区住房和建设局下属的市政公共服务中心的工作人员。 2月3日晚,他接到朋友熊某的紧急邀请,要求他立即前往武汉支持雷神山医院的建设。由于日程安排得很紧,王德平干脆收拾好行李,和熊某等人一起开车去了武汉。 当他到达疫区时,他去上班了。直到2月8日晚,王德平才想起向区住房和建设局有关领导汇报并请假。

  据了解,为做好新皇冠肺炎疫情的防控工作,遂宁市船山区自2月3日起实行弹性工作制。在武汉雷神山医院改造过程中,王德平团队做了出色的工作,成功完成了雷神山医院A3病房通风系统的安装以及部分病房室内电气设备的安装调试。 医院成功交付使用。2月13日,王德平成功完成救援任务,返回船山区,自愿接受检疫观察。


  “王德平,这次你去支持武汉雷神山医院的建设属于慈善事业,我们都为你喝彩!然而,外出时不请假是违反纪律的。 由于你出于公众利益并取得了突出的成绩,地区监督委员会研究后决定给予你容错和豁免。"

  “谢谢你的理解和关心。 同时,我会吸取教训,遵守良好的纪律和规则。 如果将来国家需要我,我将不得不向前冲!"



  2月9日,船山区住房和建设局纪检监察组得到线索,王德平没有擅离职守。 经船山区纪委、监察局相关领导批准后,派驻区住房和建设局的纪检监察组启动了王德平问题的前期核工作。

  “纪律需要力量和温度。 鉴于王德平的情况,建议为他启动一个容错审计程序。“经过讨论,调查小组成员达成了一项协议,并提议对王德平的违纪行为启动一个容错审查程序。


  调查组提出容错建议后,王德平所在单位提供了实际执行情况说明,船山区监察委员会容错审核小组对相关支持材料进行了审核。2月18日,地区监管委员会董事会决定对王德平违反或ganizational discipline, and to close the clue to the problem.

  Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee: Encourage people to take responsibility, but also keep discipline in mind.

  According to reports, the Supervisory Committee of the chuanshan district Commission for Discipline Inspection has actively used the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement. In accordance with the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China, the Supervisory Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Fault Tolerance and Error Correction for Party and Government Cadres in Suining City (Trial), the Supervisory Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Suining City on January 3, 2020 explored and promulgated the "Implementation Measures for Fault Tolerance Examination of Public Officials in chuanshan district City (Trial)", clearly supporting and encouraging those who dare to take on the responsibility, and encouraging cadres to be motivated and act.

  However, in view of the disciplinary problems in Wang Deping, the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in this area have used network video to inform Wang Deping who has been isolated for observation of fault tolerance and exemption. It is a new and active move based on the Implementation Measures for Fault Tolerance Auditing during this special period of epidemic prevention and control, which not only effectively relieves Wang Deping's psychological burden, but also reduces the risk of cross-infection of personnel.

  "I believe that with the practical application of the Implementation Measures for Fault-tolerant Auditing, the cadres in the whole region will be further encouraged to take on the responsibility and dare to charge.同时,也要提醒全区干部时刻牢记纪律和纪律,把好事做得更好。”船山区纪委副书记兼纪委副主任佘国华说道。



