北京新高考来了 您准备好了吗?

栏目:热点资讯  时间:2020-03-04

  “新高考”就要到了。 你准备好了吗?备受社会关注的《北京市深化高等教育考试招生制度综合改革实施方案》已经正式向社会公布。 到2020年,初步建立符合首都教育实际的现代高等教育考试招生制度,形成分类考试、综合评价、多元录取、公平公正的高等教育考试招生模式。

  作为第二批高考综合改革试点省份,北京正积极适应首都战略定位和建设世界一流和谐宜居城市对多元化、高素质人才的需求。 通过深化改革,建立更加公平、公正、科学、合理的高校考试招生制度,努力办好人民满意的教育。


  从2017年9月1日起,普通高中学业水平考试将从高中一年级开始实施。 考试成绩是学生毕业和深造的重要基础。高中学业水平考试包括“6对3”高中学业水平等级考试和13个科目的高中学业水平资格考试。




  资格考试的结果显示为“合格和不合格”。 达到合格水平是普通高中毕业的必要条件,也是承认高中同等学历的主要依据。如果你考试不及格,你可以在下学期参加同一科目的资格考试。 本市将不另行组织补考。合格的考试成绩是参加相应科目等级考试的先决条件,即合格的考试成绩是合格的,才能选择参加相应的科目等级考试。



  据北京教育考试院高相关负责人介绍,等级考试成绩以等级形式呈现,分为5个等级和21个等级。 等级根据原始等级确定,等级在当年有效。分级考试成绩从高到低分为a、b、c、d和e,a级为15%,b级为40%, c grade of 30%, d grade of 14% and e grade of no more than 1%. the proportion of each grade is determined according to the closest proportion.When the grade examination results are included in the total enrollment results of colleges and universities, the scores of each subject are reduced from 5 to 21.Among them, A1 has a full score of 100, E has a score of 40, and the difference between two adjacent levels is 3.

  According to the characteristics and orientation of running a school, as well as the training needs of professionals in different disciplines, colleges and universities can independently propose the range of subjects to be selected from the 6 subjects of the general high school's academic level grading examination, and announce them to the public in advance.According to the spirit of the Ministry of Education's documents, there are currently six types of requirements for the selection of subjects for the college entrance examination: 1 subject, which must be selected before candidates can enter for the examination; For 2 subjects, candidates must take the examination before entering the examination. Candidates can apply for one of 2 subjects. For 3 subjects, candidates must take the examination before entering the examination. Candidates can apply for one of the three subjects. There is no limit to the subjects to be selected.对于同一专业,不同的院校可以在规定的范围内选择不同的科目和要求。例如,应用物理专业,一所大学的考试科目是物理,考试要求是1门课。 考生在参加考试前必须选修这门课。 大专院校必须选择物理和化学作为他们的科目,选择的要求是两个科目。 考生在参加考试前必须做出选择。小明的科目是物理、历史和地理,所以他只能申请大学的应用物理专业。

  北京教育考试院高的相关负责人表示,学生在选择年级考试科目时应考虑各种因素。首先,一个人应该考虑自己的主体兴趣和主体能力;其次,未来的发展方向应该通过有效的职业生涯规划来确定,未来的学院和专业应该提前考虑。 第三,根据高校选题的要求,合理选择选题。



  综合素质评价从思想品德、学业成绩、身心健康、艺术修养和社会实践五个方面客观地记录了学生的成长过程。 它反映了学生德、智、体、美的全面发展及其个性特征。 它引导学生培养和实践社会主义核心价值观,增强社会责任感,培养创新精神和实践能力。综合素质评价是学生毕业和深造的重要参考。








  学校将引导学生做好成长记录和自我评价,培养学生自我反思和自我管理的良好习惯,充分发挥学生的主动性,引导学生学习ents to discover and face up to their own advantages and disadvantages in time, and make career plans.According to the actual situation of the school, the evaluation plan is formulated. According to the real records and daily performance of the students' growth process, the scientific analysis of the students' growth process is carried out to improve the education and teaching, and to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of education.

  The comprehensive quality files of students will be provided to colleges and universities for reference.Relevant colleges and universities shall formulate scientific and standardized comprehensive quality evaluation systems and methods according to their own school-running characteristics and personnel training direction, and announce them to the public in advance. The usage must be standardized and fair.

  At present, in our city's types of enrollment, such as escort students, independent enrollment, high-level art troupes, high-level sports teams, arts and sports majors, sports training, national traditional sports, and independent enrollment in higher vocational colleges, the enrollment schools take the results of comprehensive quality evaluation of students as an important reference for qualification examination and enrollment.

  From 2020 onwards, the college entrance examination will be divided into arts and sciences, and undergraduate admission will be based on the "3+3" model.

  One of the major changes in the comprehensive reform of Beijing's college entrance examination is the adjustment of examination subjects and the reform of the admission mode for ordinary undergraduate colleges.

  Starting from 2020, Beijing's unified college entrance examination will be adjusted to three subjects, namely, Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages, with no distinction between arts and sciences. Each subject has a full score of 150 points and a total score of 450 points.

  The composition of admission results of ordinary undergraduate colleges has also changed.从2020年开始,本科院校录取的考生总成绩由统一的语文、数学、外语入学考试成绩和考生选择的三次普通高中学业水平考试成绩组成。 其中,每门考试科目的总分为100分,即高校招生的总分为750分。

  北京教育考试中心高办公室的官员表示,北京市正在进行为期两年的外语听力测试改革试点。其中,从2018年开始,英语听力成绩将保持在30分不变,与统考的笔试分开,计算机考试将每年进行两次。 考试将安排在第二年的12月和3月。 最高听力成绩和笔试成绩将合在一起形成英语科目成绩,并计入高考总成绩。从2021年开始,将增加英语口语测试,英语口语和听力测试总分为50分,总分不变。今年的北京高考英语听力计算机考试分别于2017年12月16日和2018年3月17日顺利完成。

  此外,实施高职院校分类考试招生,实行“文化素质+职业技能”的评价方法,逐步使高职分类考试招生成为高职招生的主要渠道。高职院校分别为普通高中学生和中职学生制定考试方法。 普通高中学生综合考虑学业水平测试结果、高中学生职业适应性测试和综合素质评价信息。 中职生在书面文化课程的基础上充分考虑学生的职业技能水平。逐步将高职院校通过分类考试录取的学生比例提高到70%以上。(记者邱干谋徐辉)


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