
栏目:热点资讯  时间:2020-03-04


  外交总局的宣布也非常出人意料。 过去,相关重要行业会议被推迟,但公告相当及时,会议的关键内容在通知信息中也显得更加详细。它涉及到全国有线电视行业及其他相关行业期待已久的“全国有线电视网络整合”和“广电5G建设”的相关工作安排。

  事实上,广电总局于2019年10月18日召开了全国有线电视网络整合专题会议。 当时要求广电总局和中国广播电视相关部门联合下发《推进全国有线电视网融合发展实施方案》,筹备全国有线电视网融合发展和5G建设会议,成立“全国一网”股份公司,推进广播电视5G建设。这次召开的电话会议似乎只是一次定期会议。

  在反复检查了总局官方新闻的主要内容之后,《深孚众望》的作者也适合在这里做一些阅读。 原新闻的全部内容可移至总局官方号码或DVBCN官方网站阅读。 另一方面,如果有任何关于作者的协会和纯粹的个人意见的分歧,也欢迎来自各方的访问者留下合理的评论和指出。


  在国家广播电视总局的官方报告中,有许多类似的话“促进全国有线电视网络的融合和广电5G建设的综合发展”。 毕竟,这两项任务是未来的战略武器,广播和电视网络声称正在争取“转机”。


  对于广电的不断发展来说,实现与5G的整合是最理想的条件。由于“广电网络分离”及其区域化运作,在当前网络信息化和数字经济全面发展的形势下,没有必要再描述更多的弊端。 尽管一些省级网络甚至是本地公司依赖于多维度的运营来与位于后方的省级网络分离,但这不足以应对未来广播电视网络用户和收入的整体下滑。 广播电视网络回归一体化、统一运营、打造特色平台是未来的大趋势。

  在广电5G建设层面,由于广电不具备基础设施网络、市场规模、用户存量和资金资源优势,未来要直接启动基础通信业务的建设和运营,将面临较大的投资规模和不确定的收支回报,市场和用户的认可度不明确。然而,2G、3G、4G等没有负担。 这也为广播电视直接建设5G服务线和开通到C、到B等服务线提供了明确的方向。

  2020年,由中国广播电视集团牵头的5G试点项目将启动,缓慢的整合步伐最终得到改善。 “int”的动态实现egration" may also usher in hope this year.

  Second, the integration led by the establishment of a national joint-stock company

  The meeting was a "teleconference to implement the" Implementation Plan for the Integrated Development of the National Cable TV Network ",which also means that the" Implementation Plan "has been approved temporarily, but the document release and official announcement have not yet been confirmed.According to the documents of the previous three departments, it is clear that the national cable TV network integration will be basically completed by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan. At present, this time has come.

  According to the instructions of China Radio and Television, according to the requirements of the Central Propaganda Department and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, it is responsible for drafting, revising and improving the Implementation Plan for the Integrated Development of National Cable TV Networks, and convening the National Network Integration Symposium to solicit opinions. After the first working meeting of the National Cable TV Network Integration and Development Leading Group is reviewed and issued, the Central Propaganda Department will organize relevant ministries and departments and units of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) to convene the national cable TV network integration and development working meeting and fully deploy the network integration and development work.

  The official report mentioned that "the realization of the national network is the foundation and the key, and must be taken as the current primary task" and that "the integration of the network should be completed first (the individual obeys the whole, the part obeys the whole, and the whole is pushed forward with concentrated efforts)".

  According to the previous documents of the General Administration, it is necessary to speed up the integration of the national cable TV network, promote network companies at all levels to become important public service subjects, and further develop the potential and role of cable TV in public service.We will accelerate the construction of 5G networks in radio and television, enable the transformation and upgrading of public services, and promote the coordinated development of wired and wireless, broadcast communications and large and small screens.

  According to the established goal, an important landmark product in the integration work is to set up a "national cable TV network joint stock company".According to the Opinions on Accelerating the Integration and Development of National Cable TV Networks jointly issued by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Finance and the former State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television in 2016, 中国广播电视网络公司,有限公司 and provincial cable TV network companies can adopt a variety of methods including capital increase, joint sponsorship, equity replacement, absorption and merger, etc. 按照“两步走”实施分类,推进网络整合:

  第一步,中国广播电视网络有限公司,有限公司 将入股一家省级非上市有线电视网络公司,共同推进网络整合、互联平台建设和国家业务发展。China Radio and Television Network Co.,有限公司 将适时以其在省网公司的股权、全国有线主干网的资产、现金及其他出资,共同发起成立全国有线网络股份公司,省非上市有线网络公司股东将共同发起成立全国有线网络股份公司,总股权不少于51%。


  根据目标,公司应该包括战略投资者以及省级网络公司。 它将具有“国家网络”股份公司的属性。 经营管理将以“统一建设、统一管理、统一标准、统一品牌”的方式进行。

  近年来,一些省级网络公司的股权正在发生变化,涉及地方部门和单位,如广播电视局、文化和信息委员会、广播电视集团。 总局也希望引导广播电视骨干企业的培育和成长。 今后,必须“支持上市企业做强做大,鼓励上市企业充分发挥各自优势,积极稳妥地开展跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的并购,努力打造综合性产业集团。“目前,上海文光和湖南广播电视在长期的实践中积累了一定的经验。 今后,将全面加快广播电视文化企业发展,为分阶段区域一体化提供支持。







  在这次会议上,聂尘指出,Xi要抓住关键points and overcome the difficulties, and to promote the integration of the national cable television network and the 5G construction of radio and television to make substantive progress as soon as possible. It seems that the substantive development of the two tasks will enter a new stage after the comprehensive promotion.

  Four, radio and television transformation, more adapt to the needs of the new era

  With the continuous promotion of structural reform on the supply side, the reform and development in the publicity and culture field will also continue to advance, and the radio and television network has also been in a wave.The integration of the national cable television network and the construction of 5G radio and television, with China's radio and television as the main guide, are precisely the needs of the development of radio and television. The new radio and television power in the future will play a more important role.

  In "Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development of Radio and Television and Network Audio-visual Industry", it is pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the digitalization, optical fiber, broadband and IP transformation of the cable television network, enhance the carrying capacity of the cable television network for broadband services, interactive services and ultra-high definition services, expand new formats such as integrated information services and intelligent applications, build a new type of home information center, realize integration and interaction of large screens and small screens, enable large screen users of television to fully enjoy communication dividends, meet users' viewing and information requirements for cross-screen, cross-domain, cross-network and cross-terminal, and realize radio and television personal communication, mobile communication and terminal communication.

  Radio and TV should promote the coordinated development of cable, wireless and satellite, consolidate and expand the position of public opinion propaganda, and at the same time build a triple-play service system. This is precisely the enabling under the impetus of new technological empowerment, economic situation and cultural life.Therefore, speeding up the construction of a new national information infrastructure network integrating intelligent radio and television, mobile communication and all things connected, promoting digitalization, high definition, networking, intelligence and mobility of public services, and promoting the transformation from household to household to people-to-people, mobile and terminal communication are becoming the important directions of radio and television in the future.

  DVBCN I personally believe that the new structure of the national cable television network under the guidance of China Radio and Television will evolve towards the characteristics of "pipeline, authority, aggregation and versatility".Pipeline, cable TV network will still play the role of "mouthpiece" to spread the ideas and spirit of the party and the country, but also to spread spiritual and cultural products to meet the cultural needs of the people. Authority, radio and television platform as a traditional media style, as can be seen from the prevention and control of the epidemic in novel coronavirus, television media and radio and television channels are still unable to be completely replaced by other media, it is still the authoritative media form to promote ideology and culture; Convergence, radio and television continue to advocate a new direction towards full media, cable TV network integration should also create a multi-convergence platform for connectivity; Multi-function, radio and television network not only performs the functions of operators and enterprises, but also is the transmission channel, so safe broadcasting and control is still its important mission.

  事实上,上述内容可以扩展到包括更多的范围、定义等。 我们在这里不再一一解释。 未来,广播电视将继续建设成为网络力量、数字经济、智慧城市、智慧乡村建设的核心载体网络。 作为一个环节,有线电视网络在未来的相关工作中将面临巨大的负担。 “抓住关键点,克服困难,推进全国有线电视网络融合和5G广电建设的融合发展,尽快取得实质性进展”应该是一个实质性的突破。



  让我们先谈谈这两个地方的地方局。广东省作为经济大省,一直是国家广电总局批准的4K UHD试验区,在引领和促进全面发展的过程中取得了成绩。 贵州省作为西南地区的重点地区,是实施“智能广播电视”的试点地区,目前正在取得积极的成效。

  除此之外,还有两家省级网络公司。浙江省本身也是数字经济产业特别成熟的地区。 在华硕的运营和维护下,浙江省广电网络已经实现了阶段性的整合目标。 在未来,它还将起到引导广电5G试点的重要作用。 此外,华硕也是一家上市的广电大型企业,将承担引领区域资源整合的责任。 内蒙古是典型的非发达地区,其广播电视网络公司是非上市企业的代表。 因此,作为演讲的代表也具有重要的意义。

  预计这次会议只是两个工作阶段中的一个。 毕竟,仍然有很多信息没有完全联系起来。 然而,所有相关部门和单位都被要求根据《执行计划》“明确责任、时间表和路线图”。 工作的具体细节已经安排好了。 因此,它只能分阶段完成。 随后的整合时间和收益分配需要仔细考虑。






  2012年10月25日,国务院批准了国家广播电影电视总局上报的全国网络建设规划。 它将投资4。5亿元用于总行平台的初步建设,并在上市后逐步整合地方广电资产。


  2016年5月31日,中国广播电视等单位举行了全国有线电视网络互联平台试点项目的投产签约活动。 双方分别与中信集团签署了《联合投资建设“移动多媒体互动广电网络项目”合作框架协议》、与中国农业发展银行签署了《合作实施宽带农村和中小城市(县)基础设施网络建设战略合作协议》、与内蒙古/青海/宁夏广电网络公司签署了《战略投资框架协议》、与贵州等11家省级广电网络公司签署了投资协议。


  2017年12月25日,中国广播电视网络有限公司,有限公司 新疆广播电视网络公司,有限公司 为战略投资者举行签字仪式t cooperation.


  2019年3月21日,全国有线电视网络一体化发展战略合作签约活动在北京举行。 中国广播电视网络公司。中信集团有限公司分别与阿里巴巴集团签署战略合作框架协议。


  2019年6月6日,中国广播电视网络有限公司, Ltd. 三家基础通信运营商获得了工业和信息化部颁发的5G营业执照。







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