济南建国家中心城市:全面放开落户限制 推动建设黄河下游城市群

栏目:热点资讯  时间:2020-03-04



  根据该文件,到2022年,城市的能源水平将大大提高,其辐射带动作用将显著增强,国家中心城市建设将取得显著成效。 ”“城市功能不断完善,综合承载能力不断增强,综合交通枢纽地位显著提升,济南都市圈整合取得重大进展,黄河下游济南城市群初步形成。 中心城市的国际影响力和竞争力将显著增强。其中,“全面放开定居限制”和“黄河下游城市群”的概念备受关注。







  根据2019年发布的济南官方公报,2018年底济南常住人口为746人。有0个。04万人,增加13。比2017年增长了4%。92万人;年末莱芜市常住人口为137人。90万。区划调整后,济南市常住人口已达883人。 5%,考虑莱芜区和港城区。94万人。



  上述计划还提到济南将建立一个综合性的国家科学中心。具体来说,它将积极参与国家科学计划,推动一批科学仪器落户济南。 中国科学院将加大引进和聚集资源的力度,规划建设“中国科学院济南科技创新城”;实施高等教育资源共享计划,大力引进国内外高水平大学和研究机构,建立各类产学研合作创新机构和研究生院,支持济南高校加强“双一流”建设。

  2019年12月30日,济南市政府官方网站报道,自2019年起在济南市行政区域就业的全日制本科以上应届大学毕业生,可以申请“泉城人才交通卡”,乘坐全市公交车 and subways free of charge. They can enjoy this policy from New Year's Day onwards.Starting from December 30, eligible graduates can take relevant materials to the IC card selling points of public buses and subways.

  In September 2019, Jinan issued "Several Policies on Supporting Talents' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development".According to the document, Jinan will implement the "One Million College Students Assistance Project" and strive to increase the number of college students to one million in five years.

  Promoting the Construction of Urban Agglomeration in the Lower Yellow River

  The document clearly states that it will promote the construction of urban agglomerations in the lower Yellow River.Promote the docking and cooperation between Jinan metropolitan area and Zhengzhou metropolitan area, and lead the coordinated development between the central and western regions of Shandong and the central plains region; To speed up the interconnection of transportation facilities, strengthen regional ties and cooperation, and build a "the belt and road initiative" land and sea two-way open channel; Promote the cities along the Yellow River to strengthen industrial cooperation and build a demonstration zone for industrial cooperation along the Yellow River. The implementation of the Yellow River basin city melt river development demonstration project, to promote the integration of water conservancy projects in the lower Yellow River.

  On the afternoon of January 3, the sixth meeting of the central finance and economics Committee was held to study the ecological protection and high-quality development of the yellow river basin and to promote the construction of Shuangcheng economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing region.The meeting pointed out that the Yellow River Basin must make great efforts to carry out large-scale protection and management and follow the path of ecological protection and high-quality development. To promote the construction of Shuangcheng economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing region, an important growth pole for high-quality development will be formed in the west.

  Ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin have become a national strategy, and Jinan officials also consider it an opportunity for development.上述计划也是济南官员首次明确提出“在黄河下游形成以济南为核心的城市群”的概念。
