
栏目:学前教育  时间:2023-10-17

  01:20红网时刻新闻记者 田兴雨 长沙报道文化,需要在传承中感受它的生命力。在传统文化焕新的今天,马面裙,也正逐渐被世人了解。Culture needs to feel it’s vitality in inheritance. Today, when traditional culture is renewed, Mamian skirt are gradually being understood by the world.马面裙,并非是因为像马的面部被称为马面裙,而是得名于一种建筑名称。Mamian skirt is not called Mamian skirt because its face resembles a horse, but it is named after the name of a building.在明代城墙的墙体外侧,每隔一段距离,就会有一段向外凸出的平台,这个凸出的平台就被称为“马面”,马面裙的光面裙门刚好与此相似,因而取名“马面裙”。On the outside of the city wall in the Ming Dynasty, there would be a protruding platform at regular intervals. This protruding platform was called “Mamian”, and the smooth skirt door of the Mamian skirt was similar to this, hence the name “Mamian” skirt.这次国庆假期,当我们走进一场在长沙举行的马面裙走秀时,便能切身感受到,裙摆摇曳之间,独属于国风文化的盛宴。During the National Day holiday, when we walked into a Mamian skirt catwalk held in Changsha, we could feel for ourselves that the swaying hem of the skirt was a unique feast of national style culture.马面裙很重,重在穿上它时,能感受到历史的厚重、文化的积淀;马面裙又很轻,轻在抚摸它的裙身时,丝线轻薄柔软、织锦柔顺舒适。Mamian skirt is heavy, because when you put it on, you would be feel the weight of history and the accumulation of culture; the Mamian skirt is also light, because when you touch its, the silk threads are light and soft, and the brocade is smooth and comfortable.马面裙,在传承中华优秀传统文化的同时,也在创新发展中焕发着新的生机。Mamian skirt, while inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, are also radiating new vitality in innovation and development.举报/反馈

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