My Favourite Website_450字
This is my favourite website,which includes varieties of complete new and fast teaching and learning materials.
It has different sections about teaching and learning of the major subjects in middle schools. The purpose of it is to improve the skills of teaching and the ability of learning. Especially it prepares lots of papers for the teachers and students . At the same time it has plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. Besides I can get much more information about different subjects is very popular with teachers and students. I do love it.
作文话题: 500字
- 难忘的一个人-写人作文500字
- 我的语文老师-小学生人物作文550字
- 小鸭子卖水果-童话作文600字
- 《时刻听党话永远跟党走》-读后感600字
- 脱了壳的小蜗牛-五年级童话作文650字
- 欢欢的故事-童话作文650字
- 大灰狼老师和小白兔-小学生童话作文600字
- 假如我是一只老虎-想象作文650字
- 青铜葵花-读后感650字
- 漂流-写事作文650字
- 乌鸦和狐狸-续写作文500字
- 一次有趣的实验课-写事作文650字
- 小猴被抓破案记-童话作文600字
- 蚂蚁与巨人-五年级童话作文500字
- 爱屋及乌-童话作文600字
- 仙人掌开莲朵一样的花-状物作文600字
- 没有利爪和胡须的小花猫-童话作文650字
- 在逆境中成就美好人生-读《丑小鸭》有感450字
- 小白兔智斗大灰狼-童话作文650字
- 小乌鸫诞生记-童话作文600字
- 小花猫捉鼠记-童话作文700字
- 小白兔和大灰狼-童话作文700字
- 小鲤鱼历险记-童话作文800字
- 优秀的好老师-五年级写人作文450字
- 狼的报恩-童话作文650字